How to jot down down proficient & unique essay, basic steps

How to jot down down proficient & unique essay, basic steps

Essay writers and other copywriter

Before sitting down to jot down article, a copywriter needs to carefully deal with the set topic. For information, he goes to the library or “shakes” literature from the Internet. Also, the author can be an knowledgeable in this field (it is attainable that he had engaged in the activity, the theme of which is set to the generating of the text). In General, one goal – to obtain from authentic sources of information, process it and based on what I understood to jot down an article revealing the essence of the question posed in the assignment copywriting.

What not to do copywriter, despite the fact that it is there all the time? What do budding copywriters as clearly as many of those advertising texts etc in narrow circles as an authoritative master of words? Moreover, these pseudomaster up to the leading rated of your nose, instruct newcomers such tips:

“You must take a minimum of three articles on the same topic (although the more the better). Then it is necessary to read, comprehend, and on the basis of parsed material to position in crafting down your unique author text, which later will be called a proud word – copywriting”.

I wish this “guide” all the best

And all humbly bow my head, thank you, I wish this “guide” all the best and many wealthy clients.

And I think, what is! No matter how you come to the Internet, start looking for some information, and I read almost the same, with some additions, sometimes silly, and sometimes quite decent.

My friends, the copywriting is written wrong! “A La, three articles – get the copyright!” is not copywriting. Everything is much deeper and wider. Now tell.

By the way, recently came across a awesome article – 7 , as you will find a website service for search and selection, as properly as providing articles of various sorts, looking for Essay writer section and click on the link of my partner 😉

What sources of information need to work when crafting the copywriting? We must begin not with texts which were written by other copywriters, rewriters, students, milfs, old woman pensioner and other audiences, trying to make money online. We must begin with the study of dependable sources:

Publications (books, magazines, brochures, etc.):

  • Technical documentation, if any.
  • Thematic forums where professionals who understand your questions (by the way, is a enormously practical way of finding information).
  • These sources can more or less trust. When thoroughly worked through the topic, so, for interest, review the texts written by your colleagues (sometimes notably “reputable copywriters”). Believe me, looking at many of the articles, you will smile more than once.

The extraordinary of the original text – copywriting

The top-quality quality of the original text – copywriting. On readability and spelling of articles, I will not speak, as is self-evident. The issue we discussed in Lesson 1. Who for some reason missed, let come back and thoroughly explore.

Now we are going to talk about the topic that you want to highlight in your text. The fact that jobs are absolutely, rather different. In one article it is necessary to tell about the cuisine, in the style of “classics”, and in another you may be asked to describe in detail the principle of the manufacture of wardrobe. So, initial of all, make sure you know what wants to get from you the customer. Try it, ask all the questions you have.

Just be smart, please! You need to understand that the answers to most questions you have to find yourself, but the essence of the job you have to present the customer.

So, if you are asked to perform copywriting on the topic “Kitchen in classic style”, don’t have to ask:

  • And classics is what?
  • Give me a reference where I can read more.
  • What is cuisine?
  • Cuisine is refers to furniture or food?
  • In General, these and similar questions – is a direct path copywriter to dismissal. Internet are not utilities. It’s the janitor from utilities may be a lifetime to sweep the street and nothing to think.

Work hard… to work hard

On the Internet it is necessary to think, think a lot, and then work hard to work hard.

Now that you just have to find the customer (actually the customer is also interested in giving this information):

It will review the text, telling about the trends of the classical style in the kitchens, revealing its specific features, inherent only to the “classic” style? Or required to sell, motivating the purchase of the content thought-provoking the reader to think: “If I don’t immediately order the firm classic cuisine, the more you will lose, we will overcome the benefits that can be obtained with such beautiful furniture”?

In principle, knowing the answer to this question, you have to understand in which direction I have to move on. By the way, the cost of text marketing are much better review articles. You see as both the copywriting and the prices are different. But the present selling text is a Titanic work, aimed not just at product description. After all, it is necessary that the article provoked an irresistible urge to buy the product.

3$ per 1000 characters it’s really?

As for forming texts that describe the principle of earning something, it is imperative that the reader through your article was capable to make, what you are describing. And most importantly it should not have any additional questions, and, of course, everything should work out. For example, the text describing step-by-step manufacture of wardrobe must contain detailed information about all stages of the production process, which is carried out in a home workshop. Here we need not only your step-by-step instructions. Also, you need illustration to every stage of the production process. You must not forget to caution the reader of probable errors at any stage of the process. In General, before sitting down to place in getting such a text, will have to carefully study the technology – a few times to mentally disassemble and reassemble the wardrobe, spend a lot of time on the discussion forums of furniture. Feasible, consult the most “advanced forum” from furniture resources. It should be the subject “disassemble to the last screw”. And then you have the output will go to authentic copywriting, the price of which did not 3$ per 1000 characters.

By the way, the experts on such texts in the network is somewhat small. However, the copywriting is of the best value, both in material and in the information sense. If you learn to make such articles, believe me, you will always have a location in the division of these elite copywriting of varioius artists. I just sincerely be happy and proud that my students fill online fantastic expensive content.